Username *
Location USA: Zipcode (5 digit) Canada: Postal Code (xxx xxx format) England: Postal Code (first segment) Australia: Postal Code (4 digits) Holland: Postal Code (4 digits) Anywhere: latitude,longitude,state You can verify your Lat/Long values on a worksheet *
Please enter your password twice: * *
Email * Anonymous (People will not be able to directly see your email address if checked) Homepage Picture (This should be a Complete URL to a graphics file, not a .html file, it will be shown at 200x250)
Net WF address None ICQ AOL Instant Messenger Yahoo Instant Messenger Other SMS Email address Microsoft Instant Messenger Jabber (Net WF : services like ICQ or AIM that allow you to watch for friends who are online) Online Names Whatever extra information you wish to tell everyone about... Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD) List Birthday (If checked your birthday will be included on a list for people to see)
These values allow you to limit the results of the IFPL to distances from you that are reasonable for your travel ability. Very Near.. miles * Near....... miles * Not Too Far miles *